Key literature on MSPs

Key literature on multi-stakeholder processes, dialogue and partnerships

Andonova, Liliana B. and Marc A. Levy, 2003. Franchising Global Governance. Making sense of the Johannesburg Type II Partnerships. In: O. S. Stokke and O. B. Thommessen (Eds.) Yearbook of International Co-Operation on Environment and Development 2003/2004. London: Earthscan.

Beisheim, Marianne and Anne Ellersiek, 2017: Partnerships for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Transformative, Inclusive and Accountable?SWP Research Paper 2017/RP 14, December 2017.

Beisheim, Marianne & Nils Simon, 2016. Multi-stakeholder partnerships for implementing the 2030 Agenda: Improving accountability and transparency. Independent analytical paper commissioned by UNDESA

Beisheim, Marianne and Nils Simon, 2015. Meta Governance of partnerships for sustainable development: Perspectives on how the UN could improve partnerships‘ governance services in areas of limited statehood.Berlin: SWP

Brouwer, Herman and Jim Woodhill, with Minu Hemmati, Karèn Verhoosel and Simone van Vugt 2015: The MSP Guide – How to Design and Facilitate Multi-stakeholder Partnerships. Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen University (free download; also available in French)

Brouwer, Herman and Jan Brouwers, 2017: The MSP Tool Guide. Sixty Tools to Facilitate Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (free download)

Global Development Incubator 2015. More Than the Sum of Its Parts: Making Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives Work.

Heiner, Krista, Louise Buck, Lee Gross, Abigail Hart, Nienke Stam 2017. Public-Private-Civic Partnerships for Sustainable Landscapes: A Practical Guide for Conveners EcoAgriculture Partners and IDH-Sustainable Trade Initiative. EcoAgriculture Partners: Washington, D.C.

Hemmati, Minu 2002. Multi-Stakeholder Processes for Governance and Sustainability – Beyond Deadlock and Conflict. London: Earthscan

Hemmati, Minu and Felix Dodds, 2017. Multi-stakeholder Partnerships for Sustainable Development. Three-part blog series

Hemmati, Minu 2015. Engagement and Communication for Implementation and Review. Contribution to UN EGM “Social Development and the Agenda 2030”, New York Oct 2015

Hemmati, Minu and Felix Dodds, 2016. High-quality Multi-stakeholder Partnerships for Implementing the SDGs. New Frontiers Publishing, August 2016

Hemmati, Minu and Francois Rogers, 2015.  Multi-stakeholder Engagement and Communications for Sustainability. Beyond Sweet-Talk and Blanket Criticism – Towards Successful Implementation.London: CatalySD

Hemmati, Minu and Robert Whitfield, 2003. The Future Role of Partnerships In the Follow-up to Johannesburg. Suggestions For Effective Mechanisms at the National, Regional and International Level. London: Stakeholder Forum, April 2003

International Civil Society Centre, 2014. MSPs: Building Blocks for Success (by Pattberg & Widerberg). Berlin: ICSC

Isaacs W. 1999. Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together. New York: Doubleday

Kahane A., 2001. How to Change the World: Lessons for Entrepreneurs from Activists.  in Reflections, Vol.2, No.3, pp16-29

Lederach J. P., 2003. The Little Book of Conflict Transformation. GoodBooks, Skyhorse Publishing, New York

Martens, Jens, 2007.Multistakeholder Partnerships – Future models of Multilateralism?Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung

OECD, 2015. Development Co-operation Report 2015: Making Partnerships Effective Coalitions for Action.Paris: OECD Publishing

Parks W. et al. 2005. Who measures change? An introduction to participatory monitoring and evaluation of communication for social change, Communication for Social Change Consortium, South Orange, NJ

Pinnington R. 2014. Local first in practice. Unlocking the power to get things done. London: Peace Direct

Rein M. et al. 2005. Working Together. A Critical Analysis of Cross-Sector Partnerships in Southern Africa. Cambridge (UK) The University of Cambridge Programme for Industry

Scharmer, O. & Kaufer, K. 2013. Leading from the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Tembo F. and Chapman J. 2014. In search of the game changers: Rethinking social accountability. London: ODI

Tennyson R. 2011. The Partnering Toolbook. An essential guide to cross-sector partnering. The Partnering Initiative (IBLF)

UNDESA 2007. Participatory Dialogue: Towards a Stable, Safe and Just Society For All. Report commissioned by UN DESA Department for Social Policy and Development(written by Minu Hemmati) (PDF). New York: United Nations

World Vision 2014. Reaching the Unreached: Cross-sector partnerships, business and the post-2015 development agenda. Milton Keynes, UK

World Vision 2014. Getting Intentional: Cross-sector partnerships, business and the post-2015 development agenda. Milton Keynes, UK

World Vision 2015. Advancing the Debate: Cross-sector partnerships, business and the post-2015 agenda. Milton Keynes, UK

World Vision & The Partnering Initiative 2016. Agenda 2030 Implementation: Delivering on the promise. Uxbridge & Oxford, UK